My little bug is already 9 months old! She is doing so well. She crawls everywhere and pulls herself up on everything! She started standing up in her crib so she hasn't been sleeping as well as she usually does. I think that she stands up and doesn't know how to lay back down. I guess she will learn how to do that soon enough. She got her first tooth last week. It is so cute and so sharp! She says all kinds of things like dada, nana and hi, but she mostly just jibber-jabbers. She always wants everything Skylar has and she loves to watch her big sister. Sailyr thinks Skylar is hilarious! She always has the cutest smile, not just a little grin but an ear to ear, wide open smile! She has the absolute funniest laugh also! She is still a mommy's girl but is learning to like her dad better every day! It is so fun to see how different her personality is from Skylar's. She is such a little tenderheart. She gets nervous if a man with a beard looks at her or talks to her. She startles easily and cries at the drop of a hat. However, she can really hold her own when it comes to keeping a toy she wants!
Last week at her well child visit to the doctor, she weighed 20 lbs 1oz and was 27 inches long. She has slimmed down to the 75%! (She once was in the 97%!)
We love her so much and she is such a great addition to our family!
She is getting so big! They are both so darn cute! Brady and I were so shocked when we saw them the other day. They are both getting so big! I think Skylar got taller! Cute cute girls! Oh, good job getting the taxes done! What a relief!
So cute!!! she only weighs 3 lbs less my little Klaire-bear funny!! What cute girls!!
I can't believe how big they are getting. They are seriously so cute. Isn't it crazy that two people can make so many different varieties? I love to see all the similarites and differences in my kids.
So cute! Sailyr girl is getting so big it's crazy I have been watching the girls for 9 months, I just love them!
She is so cute Sierra!!
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